Friday, March 20, 2015

On Patience.

Some say that I am a very patient person. Others say that I have an acute case of Pollyanna syndrome. I am not sure if I agree with either opinion. What is patience anyway?

Pa-tience ˈpāSHəns/ noun
1.the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.

After looking at the definition, I realize that most of the time I have the capacity to accept delay. I believe that I have been able to tolerate trouble and suffering. But.....that without getting angry or upset? Definitely questionable.

My boys have always taken great pride in being 'Mama's Boys'. Most of them at some time in their lives have referred to me as 'The Meanest Mother in the World'. As they have grow up and become husbands and parents, that phrase has changed to 'I am so glad that I had the meanest mother in the world!'

I married my soul mate and childhood sweetheart 11 days before my 17th birthday, and 3 days after his 18th birthday and with our first baby already on it's way. Against all odds we were married 48 1/2 years. July 19, 2012 he suddenly died from a blood clot lodged in his heart. A shock to our whole family. A time for pondering the wonderful memories of our lives together.

The week before we got married we joined the Air Force in order to provide for our family, yes, I said we. When your spouse joins the military, like it or not, so do you. We had good times and not so good times. He loved his family and was a good provider. However, let me just our lives there was never a dull moment.

Mark was a Boom Operator on a KC-135 most of his 20 year career. He loved to fly and enjoyed serving his country. He traveled often, He would be gone weeks or months at a time. He would return home, only to pull alert and have to stay at the facility on base for a week at a time. Then, of course, he would travel again. Fortunately for him he was able to see the world. He was able to experience the joy of seeing the American flag flying for the first time in months after an overseas tour of duty. I on the other hand, I win the prize in the being fortunate department. I had the opportunity to stay home and form the minds and bodies of four wonderful and awesome boys!

Being a married single parent was not an easy task. My heart goes out to all single parents. It was raising those boys that taught me most of the lessons I have learned in this life. Especially patience.

Remember back when your first child was born. The smell, the softness, not wanting to put them down or let anyone else hold them. I remember believing that my child was absolutely perfect. No baby could ever be loved as much as he was......then I found out I was expecting number two! How would I ever be able to love a second baby as much as I loved the first? Would I have the patience to raise two little ones and be there for their father as well? Could I learn to be patient when both of them, or all three of them needed me at the same time? I was so afraid that I wouldn't be able to give them each what they needed.

As each child came into my life my love grew and grew and grew. There was never a shortage in the love department. The more I gave, the more I received. As for patience? I realized very early on that I was fortunate to have been born with that gift. Each child that came into my life helped me to perfect that God given talent and allowed me to teach by boys and their father the value of patience!

With love and patience all things are possible!

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